A STABBING victim gave a false name to police and then attempted to run away from officers after being arrested and taken to hospital.

Rhys Mason, 33, had been arrested outside a pub on Lowther Street in Whitehaven on February 14, Workington Magistrates’ Court heard.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, said the defendant had ‘tensed up’ while being searched by police and gave false details.

Mason was then taken to hospital but ran away from officers, making his way outside. He was then detained.

The defendant, of Calder Avenue, Whitehaven, was interviewed but gave no response to the questions that were put to him.

He pleaded guilty to obstructing a constable in execution of duty.

John Cooper, defending, said: “It’s a bit of a stupid thing to do. He was taken to hospital because he was the victim of a stabbing. Police were helping him out.

“He had wanted to avoid getting involved with police and gave a wrong name.

“When at hospital, he ran the width of this courtroom, got to the door and bumped into one of the officers.

“It was relatively short-lived. He was under the influence at the time.

“By the time he was at the hospital, they know he is and where he lives.”

Passing sentence, Nick Holt-Kentwell, chair of the magistrates, said: “It all seems very silly. You got yourself in a bit of a mess.”

Mason was fined £80 and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £32 victim surcharge.