HERE is today's top selection of camera club pictures.

We picked the best three images shared by members.

John Tyson's shot of sunset over Harraby, Carlisle.

News and Star: John Tyson's shot of sunset over Harraby, CarlisleJohn Tyson's shot of sunset over Harraby, Carlisle (Image: News and Star Facebook Camera Club)

Craig Slater shared this picture of the sun rising over dewy grass.

News and Star: Craig Slater shared this picture of the sun rising over dewy grassCraig Slater shared this picture of the sun rising over dewy grass (Image: News and Star Facebook Camera Club)

A picture by Craig Douglas of pink springtime blossoms.

 News and Star: A picture by Craig Douglas of pink springtime blossomsA picture by Craig Douglas of pink springtime blossoms (Image: Camera Club)

To join our camera club, search 'News & Star Camera Club' on Facebook.