A CARLISLE nursing home has been rated as 'requires improvement' following a visit from the health watchdog. 

Applegarth Nursing Home, run by Applegarth Healthcare Limited on Newtown Road, was inspected by the Care Quality Commission on January 8. 

At the time of inspection, the care home was providing personal and nursing care to 31 people.

The overall rating for the service back in 2019 was 'Good'. 

The categories of 'safe', 'well-led', or 'effective' were all deemed to be 'requiring improvement'. 

According to the report, inspectors found "the provider did not demonstrate staff had the right skills and experience to manage the nursing and specialist care needs of people who lived there."

The report highlighted that one staff member said: "Some people come from spinal injury units with conditions we have not even heard of and we have to source our own training."

The report also revealed that "care plans did not always include planned or aspirational outcomes for people."

The provider stated that changes are in the pipeline, including "a 'needs assessment' would be used in future".

Additionally, they discovered that "some people's care records were incomplete and were not reviewed at regular intervals." 

Overall however, people said they felt "safe" and were comfortable in the presence of staff members. 

"They look after me, I'm safe and it's good," one person said. 

Another person told inspectors: "Staff are very nice and they always get to you as soon as they can."

It was also highlighted that the provider carried out safe recruitment practices to make sure new staff were suitable to work with people, with sufficient staff on duty.

Applegarth Nursing Home was approached for comment.