A Carlisle charity received a special visit from the Mayor last month to commemorate the launch of a poetry book. 

Carlisle Macular Society Support Group is a charity which offers information and support to improve lives today and funds medical research to bring hope for the future for those with vision loss.

The group has worked hard in recent months to put together a book, featuring 19 separate poems written by group members, despite their ongoing macular vision problems. 

Carlisle Macular co-ordinator Rebecca Mullins compiled the book and was incredibly proud of everyone involved.

She said: "They are all amazing. As a group we have tackled painting, tennis, bowling and the poetry book. Our book is entitled empowering poetry. That is what the support group is all about, supporting and empowering you to live your best life, despite your limitations."

Rebecca initially had low expectations for the book, but was delighted with how it turned out. 

She added: "My expectation was low but to my surprise nine poems came and then it spiralled. We ended with 19 poems. The last poem which arrived in December has a final verse which tells us to slow down, and I'm so glad I waited to include this poem.

"This is my first time creating a book but it is a legacy the group members have left for their families. It was lovely to include a memorial page to past members of group, showing that their contribution to the group is not forgotten."

The group, which meets on the second Thursday of every month at the Greystone Community Centre, was delighted to receive the visit from Councillor Abdul Harid on March 14.