A FORMER heroin user from Carlisle who admitted three shoplifting offences told a court she feels she has “nothing to live for”.

Lisa Nunn, 44, told a district judge that her life had never been the same following a crisis in her family life and she now feels that she has “lost everything.”

The defendant, of Hammond Close, Carlisle, admitted stealing clothing worth £100 from Matalan in Carlisle on September 25 last year; and two thefts from the Co-op in Central three days later. She stole cheese, meat and household goods worth £60.

Prosecutor George Shelley outlined how staff at Matalan provided CCTV footage which showed Nunn entering the store at 4.31pm.

She selected numerous items of boys’ clothing from the store before leaving four minutes later with a “bulging bag”. She made full admissions when police caught up with after she had left the store having not paid for the items.

District Judge John Temperley questioned the defendant directly because she was not legally represented during the hearing.

Nunn told him: “I was on heroin for 14 years and I went to Unity and admitted having heroin.” After this, she had lost everything, she said. “I have nothing left to live for. I had a mental breakdown. I ended up on crack cocaine.

“I’ve had enough.”

The District Judge suggested that Nunn could benefit from working with the Probation Service. He gave the defendant a 12-month community order. It includes 15 rehabilitation activity days, but the judge said she was unsuitable for unpaid work or a curfew.

He also fined Nunn £50.

There were no costs ordered but District Judge Temperley told Nunn that she must pay compensation of £79 to the Co-op and £100 to Matalan.

As she left court, Nunn said: “Thank you. I’m sorry.”

  • Help is available for people who are struggling with life from a number of sources, including The Samaritans and Mind. For more information on addiction, go to HELP4ADDICTION.