A tourism initiative is helping people to enjoy Eskdale and the wider Lake District safely by offering tips on preparing for an adventure.

AdventureSmart UK is a rollout of the safety campaign AdventureSmartWales which was launched in 2018.

This was a two-year project funded via the Welsh government’s Tourism Product Innovation Fund. It aimed to encourage new innovative product ideas working in partnership with Snowdonia National Park Authority, British Mountaineering Council and Welsh Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The UK goal is to reduce the number of avoidable incidents which the rescue and emergency services deal with each year. It is hoped this will be achieved by establishing a comprehensive set of safety messages and working with the outdoor sector to promote these far and wide.

Experts from leading safety and sporting organisations have developed these messages to provide all the essential information needed for people to get outdoors, confident that they have prepared for a great day.

They are encouraged to ask themselves three questions before setting off:
– Am I confident I have the knowledge and skills for the day?
– Do I know what the weather will be like?
– Do I have the right gear?

A spokesperson said: "Being AdventureSmart simply means that you are thinking about your own experience and skills. Choosing an adventure that you know is within your skillset is part of the fun. Go to www.lakedistrict.gov.uk for lots of great routes and maps for all abilities.

"We all love the Lake District, and we want to keep it looking stunningly beautiful. Let’s all do our bit to help by parking sensibly, taking our litter home and avoiding crowded areas.

"The weather has the potential to make or spoil your day. Go to www.lakedistrictweatherline.co.uk to find the forecast and check for the whole of your planned route (especially the higher levels).

"The right kit is essential. It needs to keep you warm and dry and, in the case of boots, needs to fit well. Visit www.adventuresmart.uk/hill-walking-kit-list/"