A family who raised more than £17,000 for the special care baby unit (SCBU) at the Cumberland Infirmary have presented it to the NHS.

Harriet Storey organised a charity event at the Halston in Carlisle to say thank you to the special care baby unit (SCBU) at the Cumberland and the charity NeoAngels at the James Cook Hospital in Middlesbrough who helped to save the life of her baby, Conrad, who was born 12 weeks early.

Harriet said: “On the night of May 14, 2022, our son Conrad, took us all by surprise making an arrival into the world 12 weeks early.

"Over the next eight weeks we were taken on a very unplanned journey.

“We spent the first five weeks in the neonatal unit at James Cook Hospital in Middlesbrough.

“As Conrad grew and his breathing support decreased, we were moved back to The Cumberland Infirmary. Back to the Special Care Baby Unit and the team who saved Conrad the night he made his unexpected appearance.

“The team who worked with speed - yet so calmly - to get Conrad in a stable condition minimising any chance of lasting effects of him being born so prematurely.”

Harriet and her family are so grateful for the help they received.

Harriet said: “Conrad is now a confident and inquisitive nearly two-year-old and we cannot thank SCBU and NeoAngels enough for everything they did for us.”

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The charity event raised more than £22,000 with £17,744.67 going to the SCBU.

A spokesperson for NCIC said: “Thank you to the Storey family from Abbeytown who donated to North Cumbria Hospitals NHS Charity following the care their son, Conrad, now two, received when he was born.

“The money will be used to renovate the family room on SCBU. Thank you so much for your kindness. We are very grateful.”