NEXT month the Armed Forces Careers Team will be in Whitehaven

This consists of the career’s teams for the army, navy, and air force. 

They will be in Whitehaven on June 6 as part of the D-Day 80th anniversary event. 

Deputy lieutenant Gerard Richardson organised the visit, he said: "They will be in the main marquee in St Nicholas' Gardens and anyone who is interested in joining the armed forces can come along and meet them face to face. 

"They are also keen to speak to people who already work and are thinking of joining the territorial reserve forces and are equally as keen to speak to employers about members of staff who might be thinking about joining the reserves. 

"It's an open event so people are free to drop in and if they would like an appointment they can contact me. 

"But otherwise just drop in and these guys will be happy to meet folks to talk to them about careers, reserve forces, and the general state of the armed forces today. 

"Armed forces recruitment has always been a very strong factor in West Cumbria, and it was one of the reasons why we got such strong military support for the Maritime Festivals. 

"It's because this is one of the prime recruitment grounds for the armed forces but over the years recruitment has struggled."

Mr Richardson is himself a veteran and since serving time in the Royal Navy has been keen to promote the armed forces as a career option. 

He continued: "I've spoken to a lot of people who are ex-forces, and they all have fond memories. 

"I think it's one of the best starts you can have in life apart from being an adventure, and Sellafield and other companies love employing people who are ex-forces because they are well rounded and have a grounded personality. 

"I think that it's important to reconnect with the armed forces and get as many people interested in careers as possible."