RESIDENTS of Rockcliffe are preparing to march in their campaign to shed light on proposed plans for a gasification plant north of Carlisle.

The planned gasification plant, proposed by North West Recycling, would produce syngas from waste, which could be used for electricity generation or refinement into other chemicals and fuel.

This process is said to decrease the amount of waste transferred off-site.

Since its inception, the plans have encountered resistance from environmental groups and the Rockcliffe Parish Council due to environmental concerns and claimed 'transparency' issues throughout the application process.

The march is an effort to increase public awareness of their fight and comes on the heels of a gathering outside Carlisle Civic Centre and a display from over 100 residents in the village earlier this year.

It also coincides with the UK's Great Big Green Week, a large-scale celebration of community action against climate change and nature protection, orchestrated by The Climate Coalition.

Sally Tears, a spokesperson for the Rockcliffe and District Action Group, said: "Until we get answers to our numerous questions we have to keep our protest going.

"A council and planning team seeking to protect human health would require a Health Impact Assessment, especially when that was requested by the Director of Public Health.

"Why have we seen no evidence that the planning team has required such an assessment?

"A council serious about consulting the public would not withhold information about pelleting plants from the public.  

"These are just some of our unanswered questions and until the council shows the transparency they are very keen to tell us about them, we will keep on fighting," she said. 

The Rockcliffe and District Action Group is inviting participants to meet in the Rockcliffe Village Hall car park at 9.15 am on June 8.

The walk is expected to commence at 9.30am and conclude by 10.30am.

Cumberland Council is unable to comment on the situation as the application is currently under review.