Housebuilder Story Homes has raised a total of £44,000 for its chosen charity partner.

Cancer Research UK (CRUK) was selected by staff at Story Homes as its charity of choice for the financial year 2023/24.

This meant all colleague and business fundraising efforts were channelled into the charity for an entire year.

The firm, which has regional offices located in Carlisle, Newcastle, and Chorley, embarked on an array of fundraising activities.

From taking part in golf days and bake sales to holding raffles and 'dress down' days, they managed to raise an impressive £22,000 for the cancer charity.

This amount received a major boost thanks to CRUK's 'Double the Impact' match funding scheme, bringing the total donation to £44,000.

Story Homes has decided that it will extend its support for CRUK for another year.

All fundraising by colleagues and the company is pledged to the national charity until March 2025.

Nicky McKenna, the CRUK relationship manager, said: "We’re deeply grateful and proud to have been selected as Story Homes’ Charity of The Year 2023/2024.

"The phenomenal donation of £44,000 raised by Story Homes employees will enable Cancer Research UK to make new, life-saving discoveries that will allow us to create more moments with our loved ones."

“The dedication of Story Homes’ employees has really been outstanding, and we’d like to sincerely thank them for their time and kindness.

"It’s both exciting and promising that Story Homes has selected us, for the third year in a row, to be their charity partner 2024/2025."

Hayley Blair, sales and group marketing director at Story Homes, said: "We are delighted to have raised £44,000 for CRUK which is an extremely worthwhile charity.

"Over the past two years we have made great progress in raising awareness of this awful disease and understanding the impact it has on people’s lives; we are therefore delighted to be continuing our partnership with CRUK for another 12 months."