A WILDFLOWER area created in a West Cumbrian town has gone from strength to strength, three years on from when it was first created.

Cockermouth and District Civic Trust are now in the third year of their wildflower garden area project at St Helens Street in Cockermouth.

On Saturday, May 25 the group behind the garden posted 40 additional plug plants of various kinds to add to the garden.

A spokesman for the Cockermouth and District Civic Trust said: "So we are into year three of our three-year project to create a wild flower area on St Helens Street.

"It won’t end here however, the area will still need to be managed, ensuring that it is mown only once a year in the autumn with all cuttings removed.

"As time moves on, the wild flowers that we have planted over the project should gradually spread within the area, all great for the pollinators.

"Today we planted an additional 40 plug plants of various kinds."