THE organiser of a Pride event in Cumbria has expressed their disappointment after it was cancelled due to a severe online backlash. 

Over The Rainbow CIC planned to run a weekly 'drag storytelling event' - which would see drag performers read stories to children - at Harrington Youth Club during Pride Month in June.

However, just a few days before the first event was scheduled, it attracted negative attention online which led to the event being cancelled due to 'safety concerns'.

Chief executive M-Jay Fulton suggested that the online abuse stemmed from a lack of education and knowledge of what the 'LGBTQ+ and drag community' is.

They said: "What has become very apparent is that there are a lot of misconceptions and a real lack of knowledge and understanding.

"They are associating them with paedophiles and groomers, that's obviously not what they are. Some of the comments are moving onto transgender and gender dysphoria issues, which are a completely different topic."

M-Jay appreciates that they are never going to 'change everyone's mind' but they are always willing to talk these things through with people who might have a different opinion, whereas others are 'leaving disgusting comments instead of asking questions.'

They claimed they simply wanted to 'entertain and educate local children with their £1 storytelling sessions', but setting up safety precautions for the event after the online abuse wasn't feasible.

M-Jay added: "We wanted to engage children in storytelling as well as encouraging their creativity and imagination. Drag is a big part of the LGBTQ+ culture.

"It was a chance to highlight some of the talent in that culture but also allowed us to tell stories around acceptance, friendship, being kind to one another, courage and being true to oneself.

"A lot of these things do resonate within the LGBTQ+ culture so having someone who has experienced that would have added another level to the storytelling experience.

"Drag is a character, a persona which is designed to entertain.

"Things like this shows that there is still a lot of intolerance, and that the LGBTQ+ community still need to stand up for themselves."

Mark Jenkinson, former Workington MP and Conservative candidate for the Penrith and the Solway seat, wrote on X that the cancellation was 'great news' and added: "We have to be more vigilant against activists who want to sexualise some of the most innocuous activities our children partake in."