PLANNERS have been recommended to approve the development of 27 homes in a village near Carlisle, as long as certain conditions are met. 

The application, tabled by Penrith-based Genesis Homes last year, includes proposals to build on land to the west of Aballava Way, in Burgh by Sands.

The development would sit directly adjacent to an existing Genesis Homes development and would be accessible via Aballava Way.

The proposed 27 homes, which cover an area of 1.22 hectares, would comprise nine three-bedroom and 13 four-bedroom properties.

The remaining five houses are classified as affordable home ownership, with one two-bedroom and four three-bedroom properties.

In addition, it is proposed the development would have a total of 84 parking spaces.

Objections have been raised towards the development, with some residents and landowners citing the 'impact on agricultural land' and drainage strategy.  

Some residents also claim the developer representatives told them that Phase 2 of the Aballava Way would not be going ahead.

However, approval of the development is contingent on certain conditions.

One concern raised within the proposal is surrounding school places.

The Cumberland Council Education Department has noted that the catchment school, Burgh by Sands, only has enough space for four new enrolments and cannot accommodate the nine pupils the development is estimated to generate.

In turn, an education contribution of £90,510 would be necessary to account for the five remaining places.

For the housing proposal to be approved, it has been recommended that the assistant director of Thriving Place and Investment be granted "authority to issue" an approval, based on the conditions listed, subject to the completion of a satisfactory S106 legal agreement.

This agreement would also secure five affordable dwellings, a financial contribution of £40,000 towards the improvement and maintenance of open space in Burgh-by-Sands, and a £90,510 financial contribution towards education provision.

Planners will make the decision next Wednesday, June 5.