WE'RE highlighting the shortlisted chippies in our competition in the News & Star. Each of the establishments will be featured over the following issues.

Central Chippy, located on Central Avenue, has been owned by Pamela Wood since 2018 and is managed by manageress Kim Wilton. 

After being informed that Central Chippy has been nominated as a finalist in the News & Star's 'Best Chippy 2024' award, Kim was on hand to express her delight.

She said: "It's absolutely amazing.

"We are in the heart of Harraby and we know quite a lot of our customers and our regulars so it is great to hear that we have been nominated is fantastic.

"The support is amazing."

Kim also explained why she believes local chippy enthusiasts love Central Chippy, with paper-wrapped food still the standard at the Harraby-based chippy.

She said: "I think it is because we have a friendly atmosphere. We are all friendly faces and anyone can speak to us

"The food is good as well, of course, it is a traditional chip shop, and we still wrap things in paper. "

Despite owning Central Chippy since 2018, Pamela has worked there for over 35 years and Kim explained how it is the chippy's plethora of familiar faces that makes it unique and has created a strong community around it.

She said: "I am quite a people person so I get to talk a lot to our customers.

"We are like agony aunts to some of them but it is good.

"The owner Pamela has owned the chippy for six years but has worked here for over 35 and I have been here 23. Another lady has been for 30-something and another member of staff has been here for 22 years so we have all been here a long time.

"We can remember kids coming in and then these kids have grown up and have their own kids so it is very community-driven."