WE'RE highlighting the shortlisted chippies in our competition in the News & Star. Each of the establishments will be featured over the following issues.

CJ's Chip Shop, located on Wigton's High Street, is being run by father and son duo Craig and Jason Thomason, who opened their first chippy together in March and were welcomed by a visit from former Wigton mayor Christopher Scott.

After being informed that CJ's Chip Shop has been nominated as a finalist in the News & Star's 'Best Chippy 2024' award, Jason was on hand to express his delight, as well as speak about the work that he and his dad have put into the new chippy alongside their family transport business - Thomason Travel.

"We are ecstatic," He said.

"It was nine weeks on Wednesday [May 22] when we opened and you don't think you would be anywhere near nominations never mind just good reviews and stuff.

"My dad uses to have a chip shop 25 years ago which had for about a year and I do bits and pieces as a Mechanic.

"I do the mechanic stuff, I am a transport manager and I do the bits in here now so trying to shuffle between it all has been a kick up the backside.

Jason also discussed what he believes has made CJ's Chip Shop so popular in a relatively short amount of time, with a focus on the shop's environment and him and his staff's ability to engage with their customers.

He said: "It used to be a chip shop already and we just bought the business and since then it has been booming.

"It might be because we know all of the local people and a lot of people come in just for the banter and the craic that they get off me and my staff in the shop."

"You get the good craic, I don't want to say that there is always a queue there but there is always a queue there and people are always willing to talk.

"If I do start talking I can start a conversation with anybody so I do think that people enjoy the craic when they are in here."