FOUR women embroiled in a pub brawl continued to be violent as members of the public attempted to intervene and victims were on the floor.

Kylie Townsley, 36, Hallie Irving, 20, Nicole Gainford, 24, and Torie O’Leary, 18, each admitted a charge of using threatening or abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause fear of or provoke unlawful violence, when they appeared before Workington Magistrates’ Court on Monday.

Prosecutor Graeme Tindall played CCTV footage of the incident, lasting several minutes, which took place at the Royal Standard pub in Whitehaven on January 12.

Mr Tindall said it was a ‘sustained incident’ on licensed premises and members of the public had got involved to try and break it up.

Townsley had a total of 34 previous convictions for 64 offences and Gainford had four previous convictions for unrelated matters. Irving and O’Leary were of previous good character.

John Cooper, for Townsley and Irving, said: “All four parties have been charged in this case. They have all pleaded guilty and accepted responsibility.

“It’s fair to say it’s an issue between the parties who have known each other for some time.

“They all live very close to each other and there have been no issues since. They are very much seeing each other when going about their daily business. There seem to be no issues between the parties that have come to a head.”

Gainford, who was not legally represented, said: “It was out of order. Kylie has hit me multiple times. It’s been an ongoing thing. I have never hit her back.

“She doesn’t even bother me. She was on Pubwatch. She shouldn’t have been allowed in.”

O’Leary, who also had no legal representation, said: “I shouldn’t have done what I did and gone back to the fight. I was attacked first. I should have walked away.”

Jacqui Currie, chair of the magistrates’ panel, said the incident was aggravated by alcohol use and it had taken place on licensed premises with members of the public present. The incident had continued while victims were still on the floor.

Townsley’s case was also aggravated by her previous convictions. The defendant, of Loweswater Avenue, Whitehaven, was given an eight-week jail term, suspended for 12 months and a 120-day alcohol abstinence and monitoring programme.

Irving, of Windermere Road, Whitehaven must complete a 120-day alcohol abstinence and monitoring programme and five rehabilitation activity requirement days.

Gainford and O’Leary, both of Lakeland Avenue, Whitehaven, must also complete 120 days of alcohol abstinence and monitoring and five rehabilitation activity requirement days.

Townsley was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £154 victim surcharge. Irving, Gainford and O’Leary must each pay £85 costs and a £114 victim surcharge.