A BENEFITS claimant from Carlisle who illegally claimed more than £30,000 that he was not entitled to could be jailed.

A judge at the city’s crown court issued the warning to 44-year-old Stuart Michael Watson after he admitted benefit fraud, which involved him dishonestly failing to declare he was in paid employment.

The defendant, of Currock Road, Carlisle, claimed the benefit illegally between November 2014 and October 2022.

Adjourning the case for background reports, Carlisle Crown Court's Judge Nicholas Barker told Watson: “You have pleaded guilty to this deception on the state, and stealing money to which you were not entitled.”

At an earlier hearing, prosecutors said the case involved dishonestly claimed Housing Benefit and it was carried out by the defendant between November 3, 2014 and October 31, 2022.

The total amount claimed illegally was £32,175, the court heard.

The offending consisted of the defendant failing to promptly notify the local authority, identified in court documents as Cumberland Council, of a relevant change in circumstance which affected his entitlement to Housing Benefit – namely that he had started a paid job.

Judge Barker added: “There will be a sentence hearing here [at the crown court], when the judge will decide what the sentence will be.

“You will also be offered an appointment with the Probation Services, which you must attend.

"Draw no indication from the fact that I am adjourning for a pre-sentence report.

“All sentencing options – including immediate custody – will be considered by the court.”

The defendant elected to have the case dealt with at the crown court when he made his initial appearance at the city's magistrates' court.