PROTESTORS attempted to disrupt a Labour campaign event in Carlisle today (Tuesday June 4) by waving Palestinian flags and chanting "free Palestine".

The party brought out the big guns as both deputy leader Angela Rayner and shadow attorney general for England and Wales Emily Thornberry were travelling by battle bus to support Julie Minns who is the Labour candidate for the city.

The protestors asked the Labour politicians to recognise the state of Palestine but they responded that it was out of their hands as they were not yet in Government.

Speaking after meeting and chatting to supporters at the event at Harraby Community Centre Ms Rayner said they were not taking every vote for granted because the election was not "in the bag".

News and Star: Angela Rayner with Carlisle Labour parliamentary candidate Julie MinnsAngela Rayner with Carlisle Labour parliamentary candidate Julie Minns (Image: Newsquest)

She said they had a large defeat in 2019 and added: "We were very clear the party needed to change and we've done that work in the Labour Party and now we are a party that is outwardly looking, we will always put country before party and we are a party that is serious about governing because we have seen the chaos under the Conservatives."

Ms Rayner said that residents had taken a large financial hit in recent times and added: "We know we have to be serious about these things and hopefully we've put forward that changed Labour Party that people can put their trust in."

She said she was in the city because she "loved Carlisle" and she used to be a regional convenor for Unison in the north west of England. She added: "It's a great place. The way in which the community comes together, despite it being quite rural, it is a real community spirit.

"Our candidate here, Julie, she is absolutely fantastic. She's local, she has run a business, she has been a single mum, she's a real inspiration and to me typifies the hard-working nature of people across Carlisle."

Ms Rayner said that the main issues they were campaigning included: securing the economy and the UK's energy needs; having more neighbourhood police officers; and bring down waiting list in the NHS.

News and Star: Deputy leader Angela Rayner drops into CarlisleDeputy leader Angela Rayner drops into Carlisle (Image: NQ)

Her message to Carlisle residents was that "things can improve". She added: "We need change. We've had 14 years of chaos under the Tories, sleaze and scandal, we need to change that now. The Labour Party is a changed party and put your trust in Labour on July 4."

Ms Thornberry said: "I am here in Carlisle to support a fantastic candidate in a seat which we hope is going to go Labour."

As the bus left the community centre Ms Minns said: "It's been fantastic and there was a great turnout from members and supporters. They were really enthusiastic which was very much matching the enthusiasm and warmth we are getting on the doorstep across Carlisle.

"The campaign is really going well, we are getting a very positive response from voters, not just here in the city as we are up and about in the rural areas as well and there is a real sense that something has got to change at this election.

"We are speaking to lifelong Conservatives who are really angry at what has happened, and they want that change.”

She urged people to vote on July 4 and said: "The result isn't decided. It will be close here in Carlisle and your vote could be what makes the difference."

The full list of candidates so far standing for the Carlisle constituency are:

  • Green Party: Gavin Hawkton;
  • Social Democratic Party: Rachel Hayton;
  • Labour Party: Julie Minns;
  • Workers Party of Britain: Andrew Paul Nanson;
  • Conservative and Unionist Party: John Stevenson;
  • Reform UK: Stephen Ward;
  • Lib Dems: Brian Wernham.