Cumberland Council is reminding cat owners that a new law means they could be fined £500 if they don't microchip their cats soon.

From Monday, June 10, 2024, all cats aged 20 weeks and older must be microchipped and registered in a national database.

This will make it easier to find lost cats. 

Owners found not to have microchipped their cat will be given 21 days to have one implanted. 

Catteries will also need to make some changes.

They are expected to ask for the microchip number when they take bookings and inform the owner about the new law if their cat does not have a microchip.

The council has also suggested cat-related businesses add a written declaration to consent forms to show that owners have been informed about the microchipping requirement.

Experts advise cat owners to keep a note of the microchip number and say that if you do not have this information then your vet can scan your cat.