Cumbrian Watchtree Nature Reserve has been a hub for people who volunteer from its very inception, evolving from an ex-RAF airfield and FMD Burial site into a successful community asset supported by a small team of staff and active volunteer teams.   

Initially, a group of seven ambitious volunteers worked alongside the local community, councils and DEFRA, developing the site into what is now a busy nature reserve, accessible cycling centre  and educational zone alongside a bustling café, from what is now a trustee run charity. 

Some of Watchtree’s long standing volunteers have shared what attracted them to being a volunteer at Watchtree, and why they put in the hours they do.

Bob Bushby is one of the original volunteer trustees, helping out in various ways for almost 25 years. He enjoys the social side of Watchtree which has evolved from the regular visitors, service users other volunteers and staff. 

Bob said: “As part of #teamwatchtree, staff and volunteers you are supported by a community, and part of an organisation that is well thought of. You regularly see a great variety of people make new friends and reconnect with people you may not have seen in years – it seems that everyone comes to Watchtree!” 

News and Star: Dave Foster is also a loyal volunteerDave Foster is also a loyal volunteer (Image: Supplied)

Friends and volunteers John Fell and Don Graham are regularly found giving a cheery smile to the users of Watchtree Wheelers. Both enjoy maintaining and fixing bikes as a hobby and were delighted to find a volunteering post where they could combine this as well as genuinely helping people.  

Don has volunteered for seven years, with John on eight, and now a member of the board of Trustees of Watchtree. Witnessing the growth and development of a great organisation makes John being proud to have had a hand in it. 

He said: “Seeing the pride and passion of staff members and being able to help them achieve goals is fantastic – we volunteers bring skills and experience from a variety of different backgrounds and it is wonderful that they can be put to good use."

If you would be interested in volunteering at Watchtree, contact 01228 712539.