A WOMAN aged 49 brought to court for fighting in Carlisle blamed “alcohol and stupidity” for what was her 130th criminal offence.

Tammy Veronica Potts, who turns 50 later this month, was one of two women charged after an incident on May 18 this year.

Prosecutor George Shelley told Carlisle Magistrates’ Court this occurred at around 7.30pm.

“Two police officers on patrol in the city centre observed two females fighting on a grassy area on Court Square, situated at the city gateway, in the vicinity of the railway station,” said Mr Shelley.

“Officers have broken up the fight between the two females. Both were shouting, swearing and making threats to one another while fighting in full view of members of the public.”

One of the women was Potts, who said she had fought with a friend but did not know how the incident had escalated.

In court on Friday she admitted a Public Order Act offence and was said to have 129 previous offences on her recorded having clocked up 47 convictions.

District judge John Temperley noted the other woman was aged 38.

He asked Potts, who was not legally represented: “What are two women of your age doing in the town centre, scrapping on a bit of grass?”

“Alcohol. Stupidity,” replied Potts.

“What was the argument about?” asked the judge.

“I have no idea,” said Potts. “It happened. I am guilty. I don’t live in Carlisle any more. When I come to Carlisle things go pear-shaped. I need to stay away.”

Potts, now of Newton Square, Gretna, said she had known the other woman for around 20 years but was at a loss to explain the violence. “I am trying to get help,” she said of personal issues.

The district judge imposed a £250 fine. Potts must also pay a £100 mandatory surcharge and £85 prosecution costs.

*The other woman, aged 38 and from Brampton, also faces a public order charge but failed to attend court today. Her case has been adjourned.