A TRUSTING and housebound pensioner who is in his late 80s was callously targeted by three Carlisle women as they carried out a "parasite-like" fraud.

Rachael Dixon, 32, Lisa Nunn, 44, and a third woman who is yet to be sentenced, carefully won their victim's trust before offering to do his shopping - only to then steal his bank card and use it to take hundreds of pounds from his account.

Dixon and Nunn were sentenced at the city's crown court, while the third woman involved, 47-year-old Kelly Bowman, will be sentenced after background reports are prepared. 

Prosecutor Michael Scholes outlined the facts.

The victim was a frail and vulnerable 88-year-old widower, who walks with the aid of a Zimmer frame, the prosecutor told the court.

The offending got underway on October 5 last year, when Dixon and Nunn went to his home and knocked on the door. Nunn told the pensioner she was the sister of a woman who worked with his late wife.

The man invited them in.

Within a short time, they asked for money but he refused. He did, however, accept their offer to shop for him at the local Co-op store, for which purpose he handed over his bank card and provided his PIN number.

They later returned with the goods and the bank card.

But the two women returned to the man’s house on March 18, this time with Kelly Bowman and he was persuaded a second time to let them do his shopping, again handing over his bank card.

“He expected them to return with his shopping but none of them did return, with either his shopping or his bank card,” said Mr Scholes.

 After speaking to family members, the pensioner called the bank the following day and cancelled his card. Police later confirmed that the stolen card was used on several occasions.

“The card was used on both March 18 and 19,” said the prosecutor.

The first time, the women took £100, then they withdrew £200. The card was again used to buy goods from the Co-op worth £157, and goods from Bargain Booze worth £14.70, the court heard.

On March 19, there were further cash withdrawals – one of £201, and a second one of £50. Fortunately, the court heard, the bank involved reimbursed the pensioner in full.

All three women admitted a series of theft and fraud offences linked to their illegal use of the pensioner’s bank card.

Dixon further admitted unrelated offences – possessing a knife, which she claimed she used for preparing drugs; and possessing ketamine with intent to supply, though the prosecution accepted she shared the drug only with friends.

In an impact statement, the pensioner spoke of his shock at finding a large among of his money missing; he spoke also of his worry that the women might return to his home.

Nunn’s criminal record – featuring 36 previous offences - reflects a long history of dishonesty offences against a background of drug taking. Dixon’s record of 43 offences includes theft and violence.

Jeff Smith, representing both defendants, said drugs and alcohol were a feature in Nunn’s offending. Dixon, of Greengarth, Carlisle, was willing to accept help from the Probation Service, he said.

“She very much regrets what she did,” said the lawyer.

In 2021, said Mr Smith, Dixon had been in a particularly violent domestic relationship. She had resorted to using illicit substances.

Both women will face their lives ending prematurely if they carry on living the kind of life they have lived recently, added Mr Smith.

Judge Michael Fanning said the victim – living alone, housebound and dependent on twice daily care visits – was clearly vulnerable. “He obviously trusted you, to the degree that he asked you to do shopping for him,” said the judge.

He described the thefts and frauds as "mean, nasty, and parasite-like." All three defendants were seen using the pensioner’s bank card.

The judge added: “He is an 88-year-old man, who was deliberately targeted because he is vulnerable, elderly and unable to get out of his house.”

The judge jailed Dixon for 11 months, and Nunn, Hammond Close, Carlisle, for nine months. He also imposed a five-year restraining order, which bans the women from having any contact with the victim.

Bowman, of Central Avenue, Harraby, will be sentenced on July 5.