PLANS for an employment development in Wigton have been given the green light by councillors.

The decision was taken by members of Cumberland Council's planning committee at a meeting in the Civic Centre in Carlisle on Wednesday (June 5).

It was for a site on land to the south and east of Hopes Auction Mart, in Syke Road, and the development will include: a food hall; an associated warehouse; three office blocks; associated infrastructure including parking and drainage; with the remaining 2.82 hectares used for further employment development.

Planning officer Naomi Howard told members that the planning application was recommended for approval subject to conditions.

Applicant Craig Brough told members his firm had a long association with Wigton going back to 1897 and added: "There will be space for rural education and training."

Councillor Andrew Semple (Cockermouth South, Labour) proposed that they vote in favour of approval because it was "important locally and added: "This is a really good example of a well thought through planning application."

And councillor Tony Markley (Solway Coast, Conservative) said: "I think it's a fantastic asset for the local rural community."

Councillor Roger Dobson (Corby and Hayton, Lib Dems) observed that there was no view expressed by the local parish council and asked for better signage at a junction, rather than changes to the layout, to improve road safety.

When the matter was put to the vote it was given planning approval unanimously by members.