MORE details about a planned development in Seaton have been submitted to Cumberland Council by the applicant Genesis Homes (North).

They relate to a 0.68-hectare site on land to the east of Causeway Road and the application concerns the construction of drainage infrastructure, comprising an attenuation basin and swales, together with associated works.

According to a planning statement outline planning permission for up to 100 dwellings there was granted on May 28, 2021, subject to conditions.

The report states: "The applicant has since submitted applications, all of which were heard at planning committee on January 31, 2024, and benefit from a resolution to grant planning permission, subject to the signing of a Section 106 Agreement to link the applications together."

The report adds: "The proposed development comprises the provision of revised drainage infrastructure together with landscaping and associated works, to serve a reserved matters application for the erection of 94 dwellings, and also a separate full planning application for the erection of five dwellings on land east of Causeway Road, Seaton, both of which benefit from a resolution to grant permission."

The planning application is currently being considered by planning officers at the council.