TWO North Cumbrian men are appearing in Newcastle Crown Court today charged with the felling of the Sycamore Gap tree last year. 

Daniel Graham, 38, Millbeck Stables, Carlisle and Adam Carruthers, 31,Church Street, Wigton, in Cumbria are accused of causing £622,191 worth of damage to Sycamore Gap, which was cut down in September 28. 

Both accused were arrested by Northumbria Police in October.

At Magistrates court Daniel Graham pleaded not guilty to both offences in Newcastle magistrates' court and Adam Carruthers entered no plea to both offences at their first appearance on May 15. 

Both have been charged for allegedly causing £622,191 worth of damage to the beloved tree hailed as one of Britain's national natural treasures

Court artist sketch by Elizabeth Cook of Daniel Graham, 38, (left)of Milbeck Stables, Carlisle, and Adam Carruthers, 31, of Church Street, Wigton (first appearance at Newcastle Magistrates Court on May 15 Court artist sketch by Elizabeth Cook of Daniel Graham, 38, (left)of Milbeck Stables, Carlisle, and Adam Carruthers, 31, of Church Street, Wigton (first appearance at Newcastle Magistrates Court on May 15 (Image: PA)

 They are also accused of causing £1,144 worth of damage to Hadrian’s Wall, a Unesco World Heritage Site

Both the tree and the damaged section of Hadrian's wall belong to the National Trust.

Both accused have been granted the pair unconditional bail ahead of the crown court appearance.

The trial is scheduled to last 10 days