IN this edition of nostalgia, we will be looking at the local shows in our area throughout the years. Today, we are focusing on the Cumberland Show.

The show is a well regarded asset of Carlisle over the long years of running. The Cumberland Agricultural Society first staged the show in 1837.

The Cumberland Show started in 1830's, however some shows have been cancelled due to war, disease and weather over this time. For example, the 2009 Cumberland Show was cancelled on safety grounds due to rising river levels as the River Eden threatened to overflow the show site meaning it was cancelled early on show day.

The show has been held on different times of the year throughout it’s long history, and at several different venues including Warwick Road, Bitts Park and Rickerby Park. The show was held in Bitts Park before moving to Rickerby Park in 1991.

It remained in Rickerby Park throughout the 90's and early 2000's, but in 2010 moved to Carlisle racecourse. Before later moving to The Showfield at Warwick on Eden.

The Cumberland Show has range of livestock classes and has thousands of animals as part of the day. There is often a food hall with local products, and cookery demonstrations.

From 2013, Home industries, created a marquee displaying hundreds of home made items, and features entered by schools.
The day is filled to the brim with entertainment such as the Shetland Pony Grand National, birds of prey shows, wrestling, singing, dancing and music.

The Cumberland Show is one of the countries largest annual one-day agricultural shows.