A DRUG-DRIVER was under the influence of cocaine when she crashed into a parked car, a court heard.

Police were called to the crash on Pearl Road in Salterbeck, Workington, on December 22 last year. Officers arrived and recognised the Peugeot 208 as belonging to Sharon Hodgson, 40, due to previous drug driving offences, Workington Magistrates’ Court heard.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, said the vehicle had extensive front end damage and was blocking the whole of the road. Hodgson stated she was driving and was upset that her grandmother had been admitted to hospital.

A drugs wipe was carried out which was positive for cocaine. A blood sample taken at the police station showed she had 11mcg of cocaine per litre of blood. The specified limit is 10mcg.

Hodgson, of Pearl Road, Salterbeck, Workington, pleaded guilty to driving a motor vehicle with a proportion of a specified controlled drug above the specified limit.

Claire Kirkpatrick, defending, said Hodgson was already benefitting form a community order imposed for a separate drug driving offence.

Ms Kirkpatrick told the court: “She is complying with the order and getting a huge amount of benefit from it.

“She is attending Women Out West and is really enjoying it. She is on a drug rehabilitation requirement with Recovery Steps. She is making very good progress.

“She is aware that a court could give custody. That is something that she desperately wants to avoid. She doesn’t want to let her children down by going to custody.

“She didn’t feel she was under the influence of anything but nevertheless, she was. There was no one injured. It was damage to a parked car.”

Magistrates banned Hodgson from driving for 24 months. A new 12-month community order was imposed with 25 rehabilitation activity requirement days and a six-month drug rehabilitation requirement.

She was fined £80 and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £114 victim surcharge.