A CONTROLLING and violent boyfriend from Carlisle subjected his partner to months of "sadistic" treatment, including an assault that fractured a rib.

At the city's crown court, 33-year-old Liam Swayne was given a 44-month jail term after he admitted a "catalogue of offences" against the woman at the time was his partner which she said left her "broken". 

The offences, committed in Carlisle between April and August last year, included: 

  • * Coercive and controlling behaviour
  • An actual bodily harm assault
  • Assault by beating
  • Criminal damage
  • And intimidating a witness in civil proceedings

Swayne, recently living at Woodfield Road, Blackpool, was also given an indefinite restraining order which bans him from every contacting the woman.

As he passed sentence, Judge Nicholas Barker told the defendant: "Your behaviour towards [the victim] stands out, and can be properly described, in my judgement, as sadistic."

After the case, Detective Constable Danielle Messenger, from Cumberland CID, said “Swayne subjected the victim to various threatening messages and assaults, with one leading to broken ribs during their relationship.

 “Swayne like many domestic offenders was controlling making the victim Facetime him to prove she was in her hotel room at night on holiday and made multiple threats of violence to her and her family.

“His actions were truly despicable and damaging, with the victim losing all her friends.

“It is understandably difficult and distressing for victims of abuse to talk about what happened to them and any reports we receive will be taken seriously and will be dealt with professionally and sensitively.

“The Constabulary works closely with trusted partner agencies to provide the appropriate support which is tailored to an individual’s circumstances.

“These offences will not be tolerated by Cumbria Constabulary, and we will do everything within our power to hold them accountable for their actions and bring them to justice.

“I would encourage anyone who has been victim to a domestic offence to contact police so that our officers can investigate. You will be supported throughout our investigation.”

*For a full report of the sentencing, log on to the News & Star website tomorrow.


Support organisations for victims of domestic violence | Cumbria Police 


If you wish to report to police, click on this link: How to report domestic abuse

You can also phone on 101. Always phone 999 in an emergency or if a crime is in progress. Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.