A CARLISLE hospital inmate who assaulted a nurse offered his apologies to her in person after an incident which left her with shoulder pain, a court heard.

Joshua Milne, 29, found himself in front of magistrates today (Friday) following an incident at the city’s Carleton Clinic, Cumwhinton Drive, on November 16 last year. This provides acute mental health services to inpatients.

“He was, and still is, an inpatient at the Carleton Clinic,” said prosecutor George Shelley of Milne.

On that date a nurse had cause to use a secure door to enter the building. As she went in, Milne used his foot to keep the door open.

“(The nurse) has tried to shut it,” said Mr Shelley. “The defendant was not allowed access at this time. In doing so Mr Milne has forced his full body weight against (the nurse), and pushed her into the door.”

Milne told her: “You’re s*** scared of me.”

“She suffered pain to her shoulder which she says lasted for several days,” added the prosecutor.

Milne, a man with no previous convictions, admitted a charge of assaulting an emergency worker in court.

Defence lawyer, Ant Wilson, told magistrates: “Joshua apologises today. He has seen the lady in person since. He apologised to her directly.”

Milne was suffering from complex medical conditions.

“He understands he should not do that. He understands she is there to help him,” said Mr Wilson of Milne’s assault and the victim.

“He didn’t do it deliberately. He saw her with a suitcase. It made him think about going home.”

Magistrates took into account Milne’s early guilty plea, the short duration of his criminal conduct and the fact it was out of character as they settled on his punishment. 

Milne was fined £200, must pay £85 prosecutor costs and £50 compensation to the nurse he assaulted in recognition of the injury and upset she was caused.