A WOMAN was left feeling anxious and stressed after an ex-partner stalked her with unwanted calls and visits.

Aleyn Dinwoodie, 33, had been in eight-month relationship which had ended in August last year.

But Dinwoodie then engaged in a course of criminal conduct during a period of several weeks between early October and mid-November.

Prosecutor George Shelley said: “This involves him making a number of calls - on one day 22 calls - to (the woman), driving past her home address, sometimes several times in one day; and also knocking on her door regularly without having been invited — usually around midday.”

In an impact statement, the woman said: “I am feeling stressed and anxious since the crime. I have been scared of being at home on my own.”

The woman said she had since moved house which, she added, “has been a massive financial toll for me”.

Dinwoodie was interviewed by police investigating the incidents. “He accepted the contact but stated that the contact would not amount to any form of harassment,” said Mr Shelley.

Dinwoodie, of Airnlea Farm, Canonbie, was said to have two previous conditions for three offences.

His last conviction dated back to July 2022, and was a harassment crime which was domestic in nature. For that he was made subject to a community order which had expired in July 2023.

Magistrates read a detailed background report today (Friday) before passing sentence.

Defence lawyer Mark Shepherd said a character reference had been provided by Dinwoodie’s current partner.

“He is very well thought of,” said Mr Shepherd, who highlighted the fact that seven months had passed since the offending occurred.

Dinwoodie was previously “taking the strain” of work on a sheep and beef farm owned by his father, who was in poor health.

Magistrates said they were minded to follow the recommendation of a pre-sentence report.

Dinwoodie must comply with a two-year supervision requirement aimed at providing rehabilitation. He was also ordered to complete 80 hours’ unpaid work and pay both prosecution costs and a mandatory surcharge totalling £199.

A restraining order was also imposed which bans Dinwoodie from having any contact with the woman, and from entering a residential Carlisle street, for 12 months.