Schoolchildren recently completed a fundraising walk for a mental health charity.

Junior 4 (Year 6)  pupils at Austin Friars School raised over £600 in total on a sponsored walk in Carlisle for Carlisle Eden Mind.

The initial plan was to walk four miles around Angle Tarn near Patterdale, but this was cancelled because of the weather.

Instead, the schoolchildren walked ten miles in Carlisle, covering Rickerby Park twice, Bitts Park, and paths along the River Eden.

They also slept overnight in the junior school building at Austin Friars.

Becky Mitchell, Junior 4 teacher, said: "We are so proud of our J4 pupils and their determination during all 10 miles of the sponsored walk.

“Carlisle Eden Mind performs vital work in and around the city, and the children were happy to support such an important cause.”

Liberty Bull, a pupil who did the walk, said: "I had lots of fun walking with my friends - even if my legs hurt a bit now.”