A COCKERMOUTH clubhouse which is structurally unsound can be demolished after planning officers at Cumberland Council granted planning permission.

The site is the Kirkgate Arts and Heritage building, in Kirkgate, and the project will involve asbestos removal as well as the demolition of the one-storey prefab building.

Last week's decision to approve the plans was subject to two planning conditions – that the work should begin within three years and that the project should comply with the submitted documents.

According to the officer's report the building was previously used in connection with Derwent Athletic Club and it is within Cockermouth Conservation Area but is not listed.

It states: " However, there are a number of listed properties to the north along St Helen's Street and to the south/west along Kirkgate.

"The building is sited to the south of The Kirkgate Centre and assessed from the car park. There are a variety of buildings within the vicinity of this area and have a variety of residential and commercial units."

During the consultation Cockermouth Town Council had recommend approval and, according to the report, there will be no listed buildings altered or impacted upon the demolition.

The report adds: "In relation to its scale and design and relationship to surrounding properties it is not considered to have architectural merit.

"In terms of the loss of the building on the setting of the conservation area, the building is set back from the public highway, however is partially visual from the access into the car park from the street scene along Kirkgate and from the car park itself.

"Officers consider that the building does not significantly add to the setting of the conservation area and therefore does not warrant its retention on this ground.

"The building is subservient in scale to the surrounding buildings and is in poor condition with a Notice to Undertake Demolition been served on the owner by the council's building control section."

The report concludes: "It is in the officer's opinion that the scheme would not be detrimental to the character of the conservation area. Officers consider that the proposal is acceptable."

According to the planning application the building has been out of use for a number of years the building is no longer structurally sound and the applicant has informed the neighbours of the planned work.

In the application form the applicant states: "The building was constructed as a temporary classroom when it was part of All Saints’ School many years ago and as you will have noticed has not been in a usable condition for some time.

"To avoid any risks to the public from the deteriorating building we are looking to demolish as swiftly as possible."

A planning report states: "This demolition will not impact the biodiversity of the area. The works are adjacent to a car park with only the rear of the building facing a grassy area (which would not be affected by the demolition)."