MARK Jenkinson has hit out at what he calls an “absurd” decision to hold the general election count for Penrith and Solway outside the boundaries of the new constituency.

The former MP for Workington, who has been selected as the Conservative candidate for the seat, branded the local authority’s move an “insult” to voters.

Cumberland Council has opted to hold the count in Workington Leisure Centre, which is now part of the Whitehaven and Workington constituency.

Mark said: “As you might expect, I am speaking to hundreds of voters on the doorsteps – and they are as angry and mystified as I am by the nonsensical decision by Cumberland Council to hold the Count in Workington.

“The venue isn’t even within the boundaries of the new constituency.

“It is an insult to the residents of Penrith and Solway, many of whom already feel abandoned by the Labour-led Cumberland council and by the Lib Dem-led Westmorland and Furness council.

“This is another sign that the local authority doesn’t give a rat’s posterior what residents think – and they are happy to cut them out of the democratic process, both symbolically and literally by holding the Count somewhere else entirely. 

“Logistically and practically, having the count in Workington makes zero sense. Give or take ten minutes, the Returning Officer’s Staff at places like Alston will undertake a one-and-a-half-hour drive to deliver the ballot papers. This is madness. 

“It would have been infinitely more sensible to hold the count somewhere that is not only in the constituency, but also in a more central location within it – Penrith or Wigton would have been more logical choices.

“It is the job of politicians and local authorities to put the people they serve first – instead of treating them as an afterthought, as they have in this case .

The Penrith and Solway constituency is made up of parts of the Cumberland Council local authority area as well as smaller parts of Westmorland and Furness.

However, Cumberland Council is the lead authority responsible for organising the count.

A spokesperson for Cumberland Council said: "The decision to locate the count for the Penrith and Solway election at Workington Leisure Centre was chosen for a number of reasons.

“Firstly, it is the most suitable facility which is owned by the council that can accommodate a count of this size, given the number of count staff required and the interest it might attract such as from candidates, agents and the media.

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“The election count also requires good and guaranteed IT infrastructure to run smoothly - such as for the final postal vote opening session - and we know that this venue already has the IT links and other facilities in place.

“We are looking at ways in which we can get ballot boxes to the count as quickly as possible."