A Carlisle woman suffering from a rare form of alopecia is hoping to raise enough funds to buy her a long-lasting human-hair wig.

Kiana Camm was recently diagnosed with Alopecia Universalis, a condition which causes complete loss of hair on the scalp and body and affects around one in 4,000 people. There is no known cure.

The Carlisle mum recently bought her first synthetic wig for £300, but they are expected to last just three months and cannot get wet.

Kiana was finally diagnosed after multiple NHS visitsKiana was finally diagnosed after multiple NHS visits (Image: Supplied)

On her JustGiving page, Kiana said: "Losing my hair has been one of the hardest things I have ever been through. I feel ridiculous saying that because there are so many worse things happening to people around the world. My mum said to me, 'Kiana, you are allowed to cry. You are allowed to mourn your hair because it is a massive loss.'

"I am hoping one day soon I will be brave enough to try different styles, colours and maybe even rock a bald head but I'm not ready for that yet. I know I will get there and learn to love my new self. I am also trying my best to look at the positives, at least I'll never have to shave or wax ever again!"

Kiana before her diagnosisKiana before her diagnosis (Image: Supplied)

Kiana is hoping to purchase her first human hair wig, which can cost around £2,000 depending on the brand, and she has already raised £900 via her GoFundMe page.

She added: "I recently had to say no to my daughter when she has asked to go swimming for her birthday to a waterpark, but I have had to say no (which breaks my heart) because I'm not brave enough to show the world yet but sharing this with you all is a step closer to that. With a human hair wig, I can actually go swimming, as well as having so many other benefits too and looking more real compared to synthetic hair."

Kiana has confirmed that she will 'own it' and shave her head on Sunday June 23, but you can donate to help her reach her £2000 target here.