CUMBRIA Family Support have announced they have been awarded £25,500 from Cumbria Community Foundation’s Cumbria Fund to support their contact centres.

The grant means that Cumbria Family Support can secure the future of the county’s child contact centres which are based in Carlisle, Penrith and Kendal, which currently supports around 100 families each year.

Contact centres ensure safe, neutral space for children to meet their non-resident parent. These centres can often be the only way a parent can see their child when trust and communication has broken down between separated parents.

The centres are run by a Centre Coordinator and local volunteers who support and reassure families and their children.

Centre for Social Justice 2023 say: "Many children risk losing contact with a parent within the first two years of separation, which could impact as many as 1 million children each year across the UK."

Established in 1993, CFS works with families with children up to 18 years of age. A team of volunteers and staff offer regular support, friendship, and practical help to families preventing crisis, breakdown, and separation.

If you would like to know more about how to access the centres, or would like to find out how to support this work through volunteering please check out