A 66-year-old male appeared at Carlisle Magistrates Court late last month following an investigation into criminal damage of motor vehicles earlier this year.

Following an investigation by a local community beat officer into a series of criminal damages, a 66 year old male appeared at Carlisle Magistrates Court on May 28 charged with six counts of criminal damage to motor vehicles.

The offences were all committed on Cheviot Road, Carlisle between January and March 2024.

A number of teachers from a local primary school had reported damage to their vehicles, in some cases repeatedly, over a considerable period of time. The investigation revealed that the damage had been caused due to parking complaints in the street.

Carlisle Police said: "If you have an issue with parking in the street please report this to Cumberland Council rather than taking matters into your own hands. None of the vehicles concerned had been committing parking offences or were parked inconsiderately."