A two-day brass band festival will take place later this summer at a stunning historical site.

Brass at the Castle will bring together 13 bands from across Cumbria on July 13 and 14 at Lowther Castle.

The family-friendly event will entertain audiences with a mix of traditional and modern pieces and also focus on promoting the benefits and accessibility of local community music groups by showcasing a selection of beginner bands and youth bands.

There will also be workshops and ‘have a go’ sessions that will encourage visitors to get hands on and try making some music themselves.

The event is run by non-profit organisation Drum and Brass with support from Arts Council England and Westmorland and Furness Council.

Drum and Brass CEO, Julie Hoggarth, said: “In a world where music education is being cut to the bone, brass bands are in communities at grassroots level and can open music up to a wider audience.”

“I want people to think that they can pick up an instrument, that their children can, and brass bands are the perfect way into that.”

For more information, click here.