CJ's Chip Shop has been named News & Star 'Best Chippy 2024'.

The chippy, on Wigton's High Street, has been named the best chippy in the region by News & Star readers.

Ten local chippies were chosen by readers as finalists in the competition and were fiercely supported by chippy fanatics across the two-week voting period.

However, after counting all the votes CJ's Fish has emerged victorious. 

Jason Thomason owns CJ's Chip Shop alongside his father Craig and was elated after learning that hia chippy, which first opened in March had been chosen by News & Star readers as the 'Best Chippy 2024'.

He said: "In the short space of time we have been open we did not think we would be included in the initial voting never mind winning the competition.

"We have been open 12 weeks and it is just overwhelming.

"I phoned my dad to tell him that we had won and he did not believe me, I phoned my mam and she did not believe me, so it is just amazing."

Jason walls also keen to place on record his thanks to CJ's customers and staff after they were named 'Best Chippy 2024'

He said: "I would like to thank all of the customers who have supported us over the past 12 weeks.

"We genuinely did not think the shop would take off as well as it has.

"After a quick turnaround in March, we were given the keys to open and we did. We then called around various suppliers that we are now using and we were ready to go.

"The regular customers that we now have on a day-to-day basis have helped us massively and it is nice to see them frequently, not only when they are in the shop but also in passing for a general craic and a banter.

"Going forward we have been asked to not change a thing in the shop, from the food to the batner and that is how things will.

"Lastly, to only have the customers been supportive but the staff too, this has been a joint venture from day one between me and my dad but without the staff running it smoothly we would not have been where we are today."