A CARLISLE man who carried out a stabbing attack on a residential city street has been warned he is facing a jail sentence.

Graeme Armstrong, 34, appearing before the city's crown court via a video link from the prison where he is being held, committed the offence in Warwick Road on April 13. 

During a brief hearing, he pleaded guilty to an allegation of intentionally inflicting grievous bodily harm on the victim. He also admitted having a bladed article in a public place without a reasonable excuse. 

The details of the offending have yet to be outlined fully in open court but it is understood that the victim suffered three stab wounds to his leg. 

Kim Whittlestone, defending, said that while there were some convictions on the defendant’s record this was Armstrong’s first offence of serious violence.

She said that there were a “significant number of persona health-related matters” which needed to be considered before sentence can be passed. “He is of course under no illusions,” said the barrister.

After legal discussions, Judge Michael Fanning adjourned the defendant's sentencing hearing until Thursday, July 18.

He told Armstrong, whose address was given as Stonegarth, Morton, Carlisle: “You will get the appropriate credit for your guilty plea.

“I require a pre-sentence report; you have a record, but not one for violence. You have admitted carrying a knife on this occasion.

“The pre-sentence report will look at whether you are dangerous.

“You are under no illusions: this is an immediate custodial sentence. You understand that.” The defendant will remain remanded in custody until he is sentenced.