WHITEHAVEN Coastguard were called out to reports of youths climbing dangerous cliff faces at St Bees on Saturday evening. 

The teens managed to walk away unharmed but coastguard have issued a warning as the cliff area is unstable and liable to collapse.

A  spokesman said: "We were tasked earlier today by our Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre Belfast Coastguard, after a 999 call was received reporting youths playing, running up and down cliffs at St Bees.

"With the risk of the youths falling, as well as the potential for a cliff collapse due to the terrain in that area (either of which could have caused significant injury or death), our team were deployed for accident prevention and to give safety advice.

"With the youths having safely left the area, the team were stood down."

"Whilst we don't want to spoil anyone's day on our beautiful coastline, we do want to take this opportunity to remind people of the dangers of falling from cliffs or cliff collapses.

"Thanks, as always, to the first informant for raising the alarm."