To be or knot to be. That is the question my back has been asking me in recent months, as I hurtle towards my 30s. 

Years of sitting working hunched over a laptop has naturally done wonders for my body, and I have done very little to arrest this. 

On Saturday June 22, I decided to visit Carlisle's Bannatyne Health Club and Spa on Kingstown Road, to see if the staff there could ease my sea of troubles. 

I arrived early and was welcomed by some lovely staff, who explained exactly where I needed to go and when, and I decided to splash out a further £10 on a Bannatyne bag, containing flip flops, towel and robe.

I spent the morning in the sauna and steam rooms, and in the jacuzzi, before doing some very gentle laps of the pool.

After drying myself off, it was time to head upstairs to the relaxation room, where I eagerly awaited my first ever professional massage.

I had opted for a Swedish back, neck and shoulders massage, with my main aims being pain and stress relief, in a form which I filled out before my visit.

I was welcomed by the lovely masseuse, who advised that I lie face down 'like a penguin' with my arms at my sides. No idea if that helped, but it certainly felt great. 

I lost all concept of time and stress as the oils were kneaded into my back. With my face mask on, I almost drifted off.

To sleep, perchance to dream. Ay, there's the rub - of my shoulders and back, with any knots of stress fading thanks to the expert work of the masseuse. 

After around 25 minutes, I'm honestly not sure, the massage was complete, and I was free to return to the facilities downstairs after some more time on the water bed in the relaxation room.

A spa day for two at Bannatyne would set you back around £90, and if you make full use of the facilities and enjoy the treatment, it is a reasonable price, so I'd definitely go back.