VILLAGE residents asked to be part of a memorial photograph as Heads Nook Village Hall celebrates its centenary. 

The Heads Nook Village Hall will turn 100 years old on Saturday, June 29, with the local community planning a number of celebratory events to mark the centenary. 

As part of these celebrations, there are plans to take a memorial photograph of the village's residents, in a similar fashion to the photo which was taken in 2000.

A spokesperson from the Heads Nook Village Hall said: "As part of our community celebrations we would like to take a village photograph of the residents of Heads Nook, similar to the one that was taken as part of our millennium celebrations

"Obviously, this will be quite a challenge but we would like as many people from the village as possible to join us at the start of our garden party on June 29 so that we can take the photograph in front of the village hall.

"We have a fantastic day for everyone to enjoy."

The celebratory party on Saturday, June 29  will also feature live music from Eden Brass, traditional stalls, a bouncy castle, and a real ale bar. 

As part of the celebrations, the hall will also host a heritage exhibition from Friday, July 5 to Monday, July 8. 

The centenary celebrations followed a historical walk that took place on Saturday, May 25, and saw 15 residents spend the morning exploring Heads Nook and learning more about its heritage. 

Speaking ahead of the Village Hall's milestone, Heads Nook local Pat Newman invited people from other areas to get involved with the festivities. 

She said: "Heads Nook Village Hall will be 100 soon.

"To celebrate the village are organising a garden party and a heritage exhibition in the hall.

"This is a significant milestone and we want as many people as possible from the village and surrounding area to join us in celebrating in style.

"Come along to share memories and find out about a village between two parishes. There will be something for everyone."