KESWICK Mountain Rescue team has issued a warning to dog owners hiking in the fells amid a rise in distressed pet incidents.

It follows after the latest incident occurred on June 23, at 12.05pm at Blackmoor Pols, Gillercomb.

The team was called to support a group with a large four-year-old German Shepherd.

The dog, accustomed to regular exercise on grassy fields, refused to proceed after an extensive walk over high rocky terrain.

With all four of its paws damaged, and weakening hindquarters, the dog was unable to continue. 

A difficult descent down Gillercomb and Sour Milk Gill was made with the dog on a stretcher back to Seathwaite.

A spokesperson from Keswick MRT said: "Please forgive the shocking photo of this dog’s paw, it is to raise an important point that may be obvious to some but judging by how many of these incidents we get, not to the many who take their unconditioned dogs into the hills.

"In this case, all four paws had damaged pads.

"This dog’s owners were extremely upset and concerned about their beloved dog, they have learned a valuable lesson and were happy for us to use photos to educate anyone considering taking their dogs into the fells.

"Dogs don’t have fancy walking boots, how far could you walk barefoot in the mountains?" 

The rescue mission, involving eight team members, lasted approximately 4 hours and 55 minutes.