A BRAVE dad will take to the skies next month to complete a wing walk in memory of his daughter.

John Maxwell, of Egremont, will take on the extraordinary challenge to raise money for Danica’s Dream Fund.

Danica Maxwell tragically died aged 15 in 2010 after bravely battling three brain tumours.

Danica Maxwell, of Egremont, died aged 15 after battling three brain tumoursDanica Maxwell, of Egremont, died aged 15 after battling three brain tumours (Image: Submitted)

John said he had promised his daughter he would do a wing walk while she was ill and he is now preparing to soar through the skies on top of a plane.

He said: “I wanted to do something out of the ordinary. I’d said to Danica, when she gets better, we can both do it. She can’t do it so I’m going to do it in her memory.

“She’d probably say that I’m a nutter! She was the same, she always went that extra mile. She wanted to do a lot of stuff as she got better but she never had the chance.

“I’m looking forward to it. I think it’s the adrenalin. Ask me the day before and it might be different but at the minute, I’m looking forward to it!

“This is going to take some beating. I’m getting psyched up for it now.”

John has lost 2kg and aims to shift another six or seven pounds to enable him to complete the challenge at Leeds East Airport on July 20. He has already raised £1,100.

Danica and her dad, John Maxwell, who is doing a wing walk in her memoryDanica and her dad, John Maxwell, who is doing a wing walk in her memory (Image: Submitted)

Since it was established, Danica's Dream Fund has raised more than £275,000 to give financial assistance to very seriously ill children and teenagers.

John said: “It’s amazing. We never expected to raise that much. We set it off as a fund but within the first two years, there was too much money coming in so we had to make it into a charity.”

To donate to John’s wing walk, go to: https://donate.giveasyoulive.com/fundraising/wing-walk