Few people in the world can claim that they have never taken a sick day. 

Millions of kids across the country were forced to learn from home during the coronavirus pandemic. 

But not Archie Irving. The 16-year-old from Wigton recently signed off from secondary school with a perfect 100% attendance record, something he has maintained since first starting at Bolton Low Houses at the age of five.

Archie in his primary school daysArchie in his primary school days (Image: Supplied)

Archie progressed to Nelson Thomlinson school in Wigton and, due to both his parents being key workers, he managed to attend every day during the pandemic.

Archie's mum Lindsey said: "Luckily Archie does not get ill very often, he is blessed with a strong, healthy body! But when faced with a cold or illness it was a case of grin and bear it. As his parents, we have a strong work ethic and like to set an example so we too don't miss work. Archie also has personality of great loyalty and determination so he wants to go in even when not feeling 100%. He enjoys the social side of school and so seeing your mates is better than a day at home on your own!"

Archie is looking to continue his remarkable record at Sixth Form, where he hopes to study PE, psychology and sociology.

The 16-year-old was diagnosed with ADHD at 10, but he doesn't let that hold him back. 

Lindsey added: "We realised how hard the school environment can be for a neurodiverse child but keeping busy and having time to burn off energy was very important, particularly in primary school. Secondary became the making of him; with regular breaks, class changes, a variety of lessons, teachers and peers, Archie was more content and settled in well."

Archie's rugby injuries didn't hold him backArchie's rugby injuries didn't hold him back (Image: Supplied)

Naturally, the teenager has had some close shaves with his attendance record, but he can now proudly celebrate an incredible achievement. 

Lindsey concluded: "How we all managed to stay covid free was a miracle! That would have scuppered his streak but luckily we all managed to keep well. Rugby created problems with various injuries but none kept him from going into school and tell his war story of how he got injured!"