A THIEF has been banned from entering unattended vehicles after stealing a phone, air pods, cakes and a credit card.

Glenn Scott, 50, was given a two-year criminal behaviour order which prohibits him from entering any unattended vehicle belonging to another. 

He admitted theft from a vehicle when he appeared before Workington Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday.

Scott, of Kinniside, Mirehouse, Whitehaven, stole the items worth £165 from a vehicle in Workington on November 29 last year.

Magistrates fined the defendant £120 and ordered him to pay £10 in compensation to the victim. Scott must also pay £85 costs.

A police spokesperson said: “This Criminal Behaviour Order will prevent Scott from further criminality involving the theft of items from vehicles and protect local residents.

“I would encourage anyone who witnesses the terms of such a court order being broken to contact the police immediately. The punishment for breaking the terms of a CBO can be up to five years in prison.”