An outdoor theatre company will be putting on shows later this summer.

The Pantaloons will put on a production of The Importance Of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde at Talkin Tarn next month.

The story is described as a classic comedy of manners, with an ‘energetic and musical’ production from The Pantaloons which will blend Wilde’s ‘witty words with snappy new songs and frantically funny physical theatre’.

This performance will start at 7pm on July 4, and will be followed on August 29 with a performance of The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare.

The comedic play by William Shakespeare follows the antics of Sir John Falstaff, who attempts to woo two married women, Mistress Ford and Mistress Page, for financial gain.

The two women, aware of his intentions, conspire together to humiliate him with a series of elaborate pranks.

Ultimately, Falstaff's schemes are exposed, leading to reconciliation and a celebration of community and marital fidelity.

For each event, it is recommended that people bring along their own seating and a picnic.

The tearoom kiosk will be open during the performance, providing refreshments.

Tickets for the July show cost £9 for children under 16 and £15 for adults, as do the tickets for the August event.

For more information and to get a ticket for the July event, click here, and for the August event, click here.