CUMBRIA Freemasons recently made a donation of £1000 to North Cumbria Food Bank.

The money will be used to help provide food bags for children eligible for free school meals during the summer holidays when the schools are closed, approximately 2200 bags will be distributed. 

The money will be used to buy food to make food bags to supply families with children during the school holidays.

The presentation was at The North Lakes Foodbank Distribution Centre in Cockermouth, which supplies outlets in Egremont, Whitehaven, Workington, Maryport, Cockermouth, and Wigton.

Neil Dixon of Cumbria Freemasons said: "We are extremely proud to be able to support such an amazing, local charity.

"With the cost of living at an all-time high, and the food bank doing such an amazing job supporting the local community, we find it extremely important to support this work that they do at the food bank."