Five of Carlisle's parliamentary candidates were put to the test by their future constituents at the News & Star hustings on Tuesday evening. 

John Stevenson (Conservative Party), Julie Minns (Labour), Brian Wernham (Liberal Democrat), Gavin Hawkton (Green), and Rachel Hayton (Social Democratic Party) sat on the panel.

The two Independent candidates and the Reform UK candidate did not attend. 

More than 50 people were in the audience, keen to hear what the politicians had to say on a wide variety of hot topic issues. 

They touched on the Israel-Gaza conflict, food bank usage, the workload on public services workers, policing, immigration, opportunities for young people, and cooperation between parties. 

One of the main threads that the candidates brought up was how this is an election of change and that change lies with their party. However, John Stevenson remarked on how sometimes what you know is better than a leap into the dark. 

Each candidate spoke about key aspects of their party's policies in their opening and closing speeches - these policies covered areas such as the economy, the NHS, education, community, and climate change. 

While there were a few swipes made by the candidates towards one another and the party they represent, discussions were calm and cordial without too much shouting. 

A small group of protestors stood outside the Armstrong Watson building to make their voices heard to the candidates. They held Palestinian flags as well as signs that read "Free Palestine, end Israeli occupation."

The protestors wanted to highlight how important the Israel-Gaza conflict and it's impact on Palestinian civilians is to the people of Carlisle

Fiona Goldie, one of the protestors, said: "We just wanted to make sure that even if we couldn't get into the hustings to raise the issue that we could let all of the candidates know that this is an important issue to the people of Carlisle." 

The hustings was recorded and will be available to News & Star subscribers in the next few days.

In the meantime, you can have a look at our live blog to get a more in-depth look at what was said.