IN this edition of nostalgia, we are looking back at Saint John's Precinct shopping area in Workington.

These pictures show Saint John's Precinct shopping area before its re-development in 2004.

The Saint John's Precinct was built in the early 1970s on the site of the old swimming baths, it had the typical architecture which was the same that could be found anywhere in the UK at that time.

Workington Town Centre had undergone a £50 million major redevelopment scheme, with the intention of re- establishing the town as a major shopping destination.

Other key objectives of the redevelopment included widening the town's retail catchment area and creating development that co-exists with and improves the town centre, attract high quality retailers to the town, improve the environment, act as a catalyst for future growth, creates jobs and improves long term prosperity.

Works on the redevelopment commenced in 2004 and saw the demolition and redevelopment of the former Co-op supermarket and parts of the St Johns Shopping Precinct.

One of the pictures show what Co-Op looked like in the area in 2004, plastered with the words 'Superstore' across it. The next photo show only the outside walls of the former Co-op store in St John's Precinct, Workington, remained during the 2004 demolition to make way for the multi-million revamp.

Other photos from the 70's show what the shopping area looked like filled with different stores such as Mitchells, DER television rental, Rumbelows, Wiseguys, Ravensdale, Panda and Daleys.